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musings, attempts at advice, stories, inspiration, some deep thoughts and maybe even humour
A parent and toddler group might save your sanity
Is there a parent and toddler group group near you? When I moved house, a local group became an unexpected highlight in my calendar!
I don't remember my child's first word
Do you remember what your little one's first word was? Somebody asked me and I drew a blank. Two years of broken sleep will do that.
What's that weird smell? Conversations you never imagined you’d have with that guy you met online
My first date with my husband involved coffee, a copulating monkey and a peacock that followed me to the toilet. All of this is true.
The Everyday Adventure
We were talking about the great things that have happened in our lifetimes; and I said, “Oh, I suppose the moon landing was the greatest...
10 things that pass for ‘me time’ when you have tiny humans
After kids, "me-time" takes on a new meaning. Here are 10 things that probabably didn't register as me time before, but definitely do now.
Five myths about homebirth
Homebirths in Ireland are rare. For most people it seems to be accepted that giving birth is a medical concern, best occurring in a...
A homebirth in Dublin
A Friday evening above the rooftops of the North Inner City. My son is being born. Rushing into the world, surprising us all with his haste
Tips for flying long haul with a baby
(I originally published this blog post in 2017 - so long before covid was a thing and travel was a little more doable) I said to my...
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